"Anthology from Court Diaries"  (Makuranosoushi)
Author Seishounagon

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1st story

1st story

Sun-rising in the spring morning is best. As light closes in slightly over the mountains, the sky is glowing bright and white little by little, but wisps of clouds are turning purple.
I do love midnight summer. Full moon is so splendid, of course. No moon but many fireflies is also wonderful. Few fireflies are drifting in night air; still great. When raining and no light on earth, it may be good.
Nightfall in fall is beyond description. It can be fine; at sunset, when the skyline is close to you, a few crows are hurrying back to their nests. A flight of swan in the far distance sky, how exquisite! The sound of crickets in breeze is supreme.
Winter dawn is superb. The white sonws or snow-white frosts are perfect. If not, because of coldness, to hurry for warmth with charcoal is lovely. At daytime, it becomes warmer and the charcoal is burnt to ashes. Terribly bad.

The Text --
Publisher --
Author -- Seishounagon, 966?-1025?
Translator ― Pippa

Copyright (C) 2004- Pippa
First Edition 2004-10-23, Final Edition 2004-10-23

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